Imagine you got a daily text reminding you EXACTLY how to trust yourself more?

That’s what you get when you sign up for Intuition Text Messages from your Intuition Coach!

These texts will
help you…

  • Trust your intuition more even if you don’t know where to start …yet!

  • Remind you of one simple step you can take each day to help you trust yourself more

  • Make decisions (big or small) that are BEST for you without second guessing yourself

Here’s what people who signed up to get the daily Intuition Text Messages are saying…

When you sign up to get the daily Intuition Text Messages to help you trust your intuition more, you’ll…

  • Receive powerful text messages in the morning (Monday-Friday) with an intuitive tip to help you make decisions throughout the day.

  • Feel inspired to follow your heart and listen to those “little” voices suggesting what to do

  • Get easy to-do tips that’ll strengthen your intuition & stop second guessing yourself or asking for everyone else’s opinions

  • Notice you’re less reactive and more grounded & responsive as you navigate life’s ups and downs, each day

  • Feel like this is exactly what you needed to hear. It’ll feel like I’m in your head (in the best possible way)!

And there is more…

BONUSES for getting daily texts to help you trust your intuition more:

You have the ability to text back to ask questions or comment.

While it’s not required that you reply back to these daily texts with comments or questions, you may want to, periodically. I respond to messages, now and again. With almost 1000 people who receive these texts, I do my best to respond to as many as possible. If you don’t hear back from me, it’s okay… you may choose to take it as a sign to sit with your intuition. You may be surprised what comes up for you, too!

✨ There are times when you have a big decision to make…

(in your love life, at work, etc.) and when that happens, you may feel called to learn about how to trust your intuition more. I will text you so you’re first to know when I open up a private coaching spot and when the FREE “Anxiety vs Intuition Starter Kit” is available to binge. There are 3 ways to trust yourself more and to learn from me. I’ll share that with you, first before anyone on Instagram or in my newsletter can sign up and receive discounts, too!

When you sign up to receive my Intuition Text Messages, part of that $4.99/month goes towards paying for abuse survivors to receive FREE life-saving text messages to help them heal and get directed to resources when they are in crisis through my non-profit Courage 365. ✨